how daddy-to-be deals with mommy-to-be..

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ya know, being pregnant is a lot like they say.
Before I got pregnant I was determined to be 'the exception'
meaning I wouldnt gain much weight (hahaha).. I wouldnt be emotional or moody,
I didnt think I'd get swollen feet and hands and not fit into ANYTHING..
When I sit for too long my ribs hurt, when I stand to long my feet hurt,
and when I lay down the acid reflux kicks in.
Ay Caramba..
So amongst all of this pregnant chaos i try to keep a smile and all that jazz..
but lets get real.

Here's a few examples of how Derrick has mastered the art of dealing with mommy to be:
- the nightly Bio Oil belly rubs.. soooo nice!
-he knows how to sweetly talk me out of unnecessary desserts by offering fruit or veggies.
-he always fills up my water bottle whenever it's low.
-he goes with me to preggo classes and doesnt fall asleep even when they talk about breastfeeding forever. haha
-when I am unreasonable he still lets me win the argument.. (dont worry I end up apologizing anyway!)
-he says, "momma gets what momma wants!":) (thats works for me!)

Lately some of our convos had made me laugh.. he's been such a trooper this pregnancy!
convo #1
while driving home from California in his truck..
Me- I just wanna cuddle on you while you're driving.. but then I remember I'm a fat cow.
Him- Baby you're not a fat cow.. just a fat kitty cat.
He then pulled me in close and told me to fall asleep on his lap. I laughed because he still said I was fat but he said it so lovingly and for some reason it sounded nicer paired with kitty cat and not so much with cow. haha
convo #2
last night when I was changing for bedtime..
Him- Wow that thing looks like it's starting to be a pain.
Me- What, my belly?
Him- Yeah! That does not look very comfortable!
Me- You're just noticing this?..
Him- I'm just saying, wow.. and I love you.
hahaha i love you too.

On Sunday morning Derrick and I hung out in Baby Boy's almost finished room.
(pictures coming as soon as it is complete..)
We played with his clothes and cut off tags and hung them up in his little wardrobe cabinet.
Then we decided to pack up the diaper bag.
It was so funny how we were just kind of guessing what to put in it.
Diapers, wipes, first aid kit, burp cloths, onesies, bottles, etc..
It feels so weird that we are preparing for a little human to take care of.
But we are both so excited.

The other day when we were driving home from date night, Derrick said something in the sweetest way.

"You know, as scary and as hard as this pregnancy has to be for you, I just can't thank you enough for bringing our baby into the world. Our Baby."

I melt.

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