Vegas Vacation

Friday, June 3, 2011

We seriously spent hours and hours searching online for the perfect
escape vacation where we could legitimately celebrate our 2 year anniversary/ my bday.
The dilemma was weather conditions and staying within our price range. If there is anything that I just really, really wanted, it was a nice warm vacay. So even though it was quite a drive, we decided to
chase the sun to Vegas.
It was perfect. And because it was Memorial Day weekend, prices were great!
We broke it up by leaving after school and spent time with my lovely friend (and former mission comp) Laura and her bf. We met up in SLC for a fun night of sushi, chocolate, hiking around the capital,
followed by laughing and reminiscing over pics from the mission.
The next morning we drove only a few more hours to our destination.
The weather was perfect and Derrick and I had so much fun!

We soaked in some sun at the pool.
It was so nice finally getting some sun!
I've never been so proud of having a sunburn.

Did some shopping while checking out the sites..
Believe it or not I didn't go crazy and buy tons of clothes with my birthday dinero.
It's so hard to find things to fit this growing baby bump!
But Derrick found a new suit that he looks very dapper in if I do say so myself:)


Had some delicious food...

We drove out to the temple and had a lovely picnic...
Of course this it located on the opposite end of Sin City.
It was peaceful and the perfect way to start off another day.

Went to Madame Tussaudes Wax Museum...
Honestly? It was kiiinda on the creepy side. I felt like I walked into a party but everyone was frozen.
We seriously thought that at any moment one of the wax celebrities was gonna reach out and grab us!
But Derrick had fun posing with them and we took some fun pics.

Then we saw the most amazing show... The Phantom of the Opera.
It was so beautiful I almost cried!
I wasn't sure if Derrick would appreciate it like I knew I would.
But lucky for me Derrick has taken a whole new liking for the arts since he had to take a
required class at school where he learned all about high quality music and art.
He loved it, of course I loved it more because Phantom is something I grew up with.
We will definitely see this show again.

I never thought I would vacay in Vegas. But after this weekend we have already made plans to come back and try new hotels and see more shows and do some post baby shopping:)
Maybe next time we'll have to bring some friends!

1 comment:

  1. So fun!! I love the flowers on the ceiling! Glad you guys had a fun celebratory trip! Seriously girl, you look amazing pregnant!


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